Folkstone luna

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S-lights of moon, sberlÃ1⁄4s of stars
It enchants the sky, it slips into the wind
Sgörles the leaves, it seems that the löcia
FregÃ2i of éta, silver fall
âA saved for the center, steps back to the heart
Sâ engropa âpo the us, sâentorcia made the thoughts
But love remains love, love stands to die
The steps above the path, the steps arent to your heart
The serene night consoles you
The soul is in pain with so many steps
And the sleep that reigns after you frassen
You smother the anxiety that comes from afar
The valley lowered the girl in the evening
Moonlight, starlight
And the refreshed ân of his dinner
SberlÃ1⁄4s of stars, rays of moon