Frank Reyes me dejaste abandonado

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You left and left me abandoned
knowing that I loved you
you made me suffer, you made me cry
without mercy
Now, you say that you don't forget me
that you are sorry
how am I going to believe you
if you deceived me once
bad woman
Time has not erased the wounds
that you left in my soul
I haven't been able to forget you, that's true
but I won't love you again
Lie to someone who doesn't know about you
to someone who has never seen you
You can't with me, I know you better
You're not going to deceive me anymore, that won't happen again
no, not anymore
Lie to someone who doesn't know about you
br/>to someone who has never seen you
you can't with me, I know you better
you're not going to deceive me anymore, that won't happen again
no, now no
Time has not erased the wounds
that you left in my soul
I have not been able to forget you, that is true
but I will not love you again
Lie to him to someone who doesn't know about you
to someone who has never seen you
you can't with me, I know you too much
you're not going to deceive me anymore, that won't happen again
no, not anymore
Lie to someone who doesn't know about you
to someone who has never seen you
you can't with me, I know you too much
now You're not going to fool me, that won't happen again
no, not anymore