Frank T verdad

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[ Frank T ]
It's not a I want and I can't, it's a I can and I have done it.
I present it, I represent it, I tell it with charm
in semi-singing rap
it is true, it is as good
as an angel or a saint
illuminating it from above.
You step on the asphalt, whether it is wet or dry
and there ? Where there is no space, the echoes cannot be heard.
Neither stories nor f?bulas are witches' gossip.
Look in the mirror, and only look for the truth.
[ Zenit ]
The truth is that I don't know? how to start this song
[ Frank T ]
The truth Zenit, draw your own conclusion
[ Zenit ]
The truth is not absolute, it is conjunction? n
of experiences, thoughts, this is just my opinion.
The truth is not always being right
the truth is not coming to blows in every discussion? n
the truth is getting a reaction? with an action?
the truth is having a mission in life
the truth is having clear ideas in the face of so much confusion?
the truth is climbing step after step
the truth is heart
the truth is distinguishing good and evil in each decision
the truth is Only he who knows how to ask for forgiveness knows the truth. Only he who knows how to separate it from fiction knows the truth. Does the truth exist? Is it an invention?
'true or not true? That's the question.
Does SkyNet know the truth? ?or Zenit Hombre Don?
?est? on your PlayStation? Or on television?
The truth is in Euskadi in Palestine in the Balkans
in Zaire, in Afghanistan and in your head, your melon
[ Frank T ]
You didn't hide it in the closet
did you look in the dictionary
?who knows? Perhaps the fish in your aquarium will have it
in the neighborhoods, be careful, they are already showing you their teeth
in the underground they already know it, you just need to show them
an action, a way out
one of these that is worthy.
Be good squires today, tomorrow great knights.
Fight if you are oppressed to find freedom
Fight if you are deceived to find the truth.
[ Zenit ]
Fight for your ideals, insist, be tenacious
Lounce on your prey like a bird of prey.
Always flee from those who show you falsehood
combine cold blood and stubbornness in your climb.
Illuminate everyone with a beam of light
eliminate hypocrites on the Earth the face.
Make peace prevail over war
Act as you want
But seek the truth.
[ Frank T ]
The truth is that the name was very appropriate.
Disillusionment, a good bath of action?
unbridled and without limits.
Truth they are hiding places for zombies in sin
They are part of an irrational structure in poor condition.
The truth is, on the left or right, in tension
with the Chinese looking for the injection,
it is possible to be in evasion.
br/>The truth is? to the side
even under those puddles of urine
that already give off that familiar stench.
The truth in discussion around the plot
that corner best placed
for prostitution is another example.
To the knife two women of life in full mourning
before a cop comes one will be? on the ground.
Right of the chuloputas when he gives his protection?
like this? going crazy, I-don't-care-about-anyone's style.
True, I work hard to stay alive
Like that? say interviews
as? sad as a blues.
The truth is that it is sad, but there is still room
the truth is, it would be better if we did this slowly.
Just It is a part of what can be true
not everything is negativity
don't lose hope.
[ Zenit ]
It is your only hope, it is your only opportunity
learn to separate dreams from reality
s? capable of doing something good for society
combine quantity and quality in your climb.
Remove the disguise of those who suffer from illness
of believing they are majesty without being anyone in your city.
Unmask the one who hides his face behind a mask.
Act as you want, but seek the truth