Frankie Ruiz tranquilo

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Hey, calm down, continue on your way, okay
That woman is doubly mine
She has my footprints engraved on her skin
Don't try to make her fall in love with you, you waste time
Well our love is great like heaven
It is pure and true, it is not a love made of cardboard, nor of paper
Don't worry, that woman is mine
And no one yet like I love her, is going to love her love
Calm down, don't invent yet
She's still mine and she will never love you
Calm down and continue on your way
And Face destiny and look for another love
Uyu, yu, yu
That woman was and continues to be mine
And for life she will be, she has my skin engraved in her entrails ±as
Well our love is as big as the sky
It is a sincere love, it is not a cardboard or paper love
Don't worry, that woman is mine
And no one is going to love her the way I love her
Don't worry, don't invent yet
That she will always be mine and will forever be my wife
Calm down, and continue your path
And face destiny and look for another love
Calm down, that woman is mine
That woman is mine
That woman is only mine, calm down
Don't invent with her yet, son
And continue your way, your way
Carry my love engraved in your bowels
It's not of cardboard, nor of paper
áAve María, áPeter Velázquez
Again ha, ha, ha, ha, cachaco
I told you Vinny UrrutÃÂa, ha
ÃÂOh, how delicious
Hey with tremendous swing
And I come back calmly
Our love is true
Our love is as big as the sky
How I love that woman
You will never, ever love her
She will always be mine< br/>You will never have it, don't worry
Uyu, yu, yu, ha, ha, ha
Love, I already told him that you are mine
And you º áquiet