Funky DL zero savoir faire

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I’ll never be afraid to speak what’s on my mind,
as long as I stand behind it,
and fight for it and die for it,
I can’t be blinded to only what they want me to see,
want to me hear, want me to fear,
want me to disappear, want me to never care
and ever be fully prepared,
living life in despair, struggle in my career,
chasing a millionaire lifestyle
and compare my style with square,
this is class warfare,
but they tax broke people knowing that’s no fair,
while they sit in green chairs and the politicians jeer,
yeah, with all this hear, hear,
meanwhile elsewhere, some little kid is scared,
clutches a Teddy Bear,
he’s homeless again, fourth time in a year
and Mommy got no money, can’t afford to cut his hair,
so other kids stare and this happens everywhere,
I just wanted to speak on it to make you more aware, yeah.
And I ain't really in no hurry
to take on any more worries,
thinking they can read me, that ain't my story,
don't care what's on the plate cos it ain't for me,
I'd rather think about all the things I can figure out,
come across a hurdle, I don't run a mile,
I know in myself I'm alright, alright.
I’ll never be afraid to say what’s on my tongue,
as long as I stand behind it,
I’ll fight for it and die for it,
cos I’m reminded that my words are sharp,
and pulverise like Jake Hoyt in MacArthur Park,
my bite is worse than my bark,
and it has to be, they flooding us like Noah’s Ark,
the gap between the rich and poor is like a stretch mark,
getting wider, born in a land where you feel like an outsider,
and trapped in a web even though you are a spider,
cos they spun it, now they run it,
they wanna take a thousand from your nine hundred,
and watch your finance plummet til' you're sick to the stomach,
cos with money on your mind, everything else becomes redundant,
and this London, where money’s in abundance,
where people pay for justice though they rottonous like fungus,
sufficient ain't enough, it’s gotta be something humongous,
whatever happened to they moral compass? Fucka’s!
I’ll never be afraid to put my hands on it,
as long as I stand behind it,
I’ll fight for it and die for it like I’m a Titan,
so with these words that I’m writing,
I hope I’m igniting some excitement in the right men
and women too,
don't live your life regretting all the things you didn't do,
society can make you feel like it’s forbidding you,
and I ain't kidding you, some lies are killing you,
so think of all the things you’ve wanted to fulfil in you,
and go fulfil em', and fuck your competition,
to hell with the traditions, go secure your position,
and make it like your mission, and do it with precision,
see I’m just a musician, but that’s just a definition
to label me and tell you that I make these compositions,
that’s only an addition to the life that I am living,
I’m bigger than a system,
cos the people wanna listen to a voice that’s gonna glisten,
cos it’s bringing some nutrition.