Gerardo Reyes suena

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This song is dedicated
To those people who
Those people who dream but work every day
To make that dream come true.
One more day in the battle
Trying to climb another wall
Surrounded by knowledgeable people and scoundrels
But I keep fighting
I am sure that I am worth it
But I bring the bitter taste of rejection
There is no one to let me down of the clouds
Instead of criticizing me because it's better not to go up
The world is different from this point of view
Is the world within your reach, why don't you conquer it?
I want a The day you say, I knew him
I knew that that boy was going to hit one day
Full of fantasies, full of desire, full of life
Triumph was inevitable, may God bless you
And now that you're up there, don't forget about yours
Teach him how to take the door with your fists
Keep dreaming, reaping your destiny
and don't deviate from your path. OK?
When they say you're not worth it,
Just keep going
Don't change your course, go ahead
Don't look back
I'll be taking care of you
If it seems impossible
With me everything is possible
I am the truth
Together we are invincible
The word says that with faith
You can move mountains, I am a witness and I know
That if I can, you can together we can be
An example so that they never stop believing
Don't give up, who said it was easy ?
I also told everyone to go to hell, well almost
It makes you angry when you look for support
And you realize that you are alone in this situation
Don't throw in the towel just in case you fail
Finish your feat and you will see how they remain silent
They are all people who made it difficult
How it appears when there is no longer a crisis
I dedicate this song to those same people
If it weren't for you there would be no motivation
Keep talking I will continue dreaming
Inspiring you until you see a change.
When they say you're not worth it,
Just keep going
Don't change your course, go ahead
Don't look back
I will be taking care of you
If it seems impossible
With me everything is possible
I don't know the truth
Together we are invincible
I know that you don't have the resources
That you only finished certain courses
And that's why you are not cultured
But God is fair
He must have other plans
So that his discarded horse wins
Don't lose faith
You have to be positive
Lazarus, get up and God will help you wants to live
I hope your goal is not just money
I hope your motives are good and sincere
I expect a lot from you because I consider you a brother
We have the same father and therefore That's why I love you
That's why this world seems beautiful to me
That's why I dream
That's why I dream
When they say you're not worth it,
Just keep going
Don't change your course, go ahead
Don't look back
I'll be taking care of you
If it seems impossible
With me everything is possible
I don't know the truth
Together we are invincible
Dream (twice)
A just man falls seven times and gets up again
What kind of man Is that you?
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