Ghostwolf battle for russia

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June 22nd 1941
The invasion the betrayal has now just begun
Across the Russian frontier the battle starts to rage
Though Stalin can't believe
The war has been brought this way
Barbarossa is the operation
A plan laid by Hitler it's a swift penetration
Led my motorized divisions with an aim to encircle
Pincer movements to put the Red Army in peril
Total annihilation is the goal defeat Russia
To take advantage of natural resources the oil
Needed to fuel an army bent on world domination
But the delay in the battle is their doom our salvation
They wanted to attack in May but preparations weren't through
They ran the chance of being the next waterloo
The Russian winters are harsh they must avoid that
Blitzkrieg will commence once again a lightning attack
Artillery shells hit the ground like thunder
Yet another invasion when will it end, you start to wonder
Is anything sacred alliances thrown aside
In favor of greed the Russian land torn asunder
They look to advance though the Russian frontier
The machines of war bellow loud stirking fear
Panzers on the ground 109's in the sky
Can anything stop this war machine there's no time
Stalin never believed the Germans would attack him
Cause a War on two fronts made no sense Hitlers a friend
He had no sound advice on what to do in this crisis
Cause the Red army was purged the high command met the gallows
Which meant Stalin had the power to make military decisions
Without opposition this was flawed from the beginning
He moved his whole army to the Western borders
Well past the safety of forts in the interior
This left them exposed on all sides
They were instructed not to attack the Germans under fire
Their communications were shot so chaos ensued
While the Germans kept advancing Stalin didn't believe its true
Oh but it was and they were dead serious
Steam rolling the Red Army at the borders its clear
That Stalin would need to react fast
Or he would be crushed and this War would be their last
Army group North army group Center Leningrad and Minsk
Amy group South capture Kiev in a way intense
They must encircle the red army take no prisoners
Whip them from the face of the Earth brutality sinister
Prevent the Russians from retreating to the interior
And crush them in the North to show that their superior
This was plan the offensive
And it was going so well at the beginning sparse defensive
The center and the North army groups would meet
In Leningrad after the center makes moves capturing Smolensk
Army Group south would encircle along the river Dnieper
Then attack the Russians from the rear destroying them so clear
Then continue further south to the oil fields
Secure the Caucasus for the oil it wields
Once encirclement was done the army groups would then
Turn towards Moscow heading towards the Kremlin
The Russians did their best to halt the advance
T34's wreaking havoc on the Panzers men
Cause they were practically invincible to artillery shells
But the Russians tactics were sorely lacking they failed
And it didn't help that the Luftwaffe owned the skies
Eventually the southern army was crushed no surprise
The Russians would not surrender Stalin's orders
So they put up fierce resistance before it was over
But the Germans kept pushing further past their borders
All the way to the Stalin line in the interior closer
To Moscow but the panzers had to wait
For the infantry to catch up halting advance for days
Then on the very day that the offensive resumed
The weather broke and the Russian resistance wouldn't lose
Without a fight blowing up bridges and laying down mines
This battle still Rages on and on no end in sight
The German delay allowed the Russians time
For a counter attack with massive ammounts of tanks just fine
Army group center was their target past the city of Minsk
6 army groups mostly of the supreme reserve defend
Panzer group three in North was their main concern
So the Russian sent two units 700 tanks to turn
The course of things hopefully but it was all in vein
Due to air support the tanks in 3 days were crushed again
The 39th Panzer unit won a bridge head near Vitebsk
At the same time Panzer two Attack surprising the Reds
3 russian armies now faced being encirlcled near Smolensk
Crushed being crushed every turn looks like the end
Gudarian took the city on July 16th
but Panzer group 3 in north progress was slowing
Took until the 26th for the pincers to close
200 thousand Russians managed to escape though
To defend Moscow in a final defense
To make their last stand standing in defiance
The Germans seemed to underestimate the troops in the Red army
Cause they were nowhere near the collapase their wanting
Hitler gave up on encirclement to strike economicly
At Linigrad in the North the oil fields to the South you see
Linengrad bombed to submission now the germans head out
Back to the Center to attack Moscow
Operaiton Typhoon the assault on Moscow
Commenced October 2nd the battles winding down
Moscow is guraded by a defence line centered around two cities
Viasma and Mozhiask two army fronts defend History
The first blow would be struck by Gadarians 2nd Panzer
Returning from the south to Orel with no answer
3 days later fell Bryansk another key Russian point
3 Russian armies were trapped before they even know
To the North 3rd and 4th panzer would close on Vyasma
Another 5 armies were trapped so quick but that's the standard
The first line of defense crushed
With no resistance well not so much
Stalins insistence on no surrender made it worse
Manning positions to the end yielded so many pisoners
3 million in the end
Were captured and showed no remorse not even compassion
Only 90 thousand with a handful of tanks
Were left to defend Moscow from the Nazi Germans
The Germans finally felt that the battle was won
Their final push would be swift and a merciless one
Stalin turned Genral Zuchov to plan the final defense
Of the city looking past disagreements
The situation was critical deterioration
So fast what could he do that would make much sense?
The germans were advancing fast towards Moscow
Only 60 miles away from the Kremlin capped with gold
The city became a panic marshal law declared
Evacuation of key industry was all they could dare
The plan for the city by the Germans was grim for sure
No surrender would be accepted the city turned to a reservoir
But a saving grace would come in the form of weather
Slowing down the German army to a crawl no better
The final phase of battle would begin with the Germans slowing down
This time allowed 11 armies to be raised in Moscow
Poorly trained conscripts but from Siberia
The hardened troops from the East would bring planes and tanks superior
All of this make the assault a hard one
For the Germans and the weather causing men to freeze up
November 7th the Russians held their revolution parade
To show defiance in the face of great despair
The frost hardened the ground so the German columns could move
The last assault would begin November 15th true
One last attempt to capture the capital and control the War
The fighting would be fierce not mention the cold
December 2nd a blizzard swept in
the ill-equipped wermacht had no answer for it
Frostbite and disease would start to purge their ranks
Victory was in their grasp now they face defeat
The Russians fierce counter offensive made the problems worse
The Luftwaffe was grounded but the Red Army would soar
Their planes started to be effective bombing German positions
December 10th the Russians lauched powerful reserves
On a front 600 miles to purge
Them of the German menace once and for all
This was overwhelming
The beginning of the end the fall
The Battle was lost
The 3rd Reich now start to face their end
This is the turning point
That the allied powers needed to crush Hitler and his men
Thus begins
The fall