Ghostwolf torch

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Steam rolling through North Africa Germany and Italy
Lead by Erwin Rommel Africa Core keeps gaining territory
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya
Fall to the Axis powers in 1942 all the way to Egypt
Italy had joined the war believing easy victory
Mussolini on the coat tails of mighty Germany
Could easily gain territory with the fall of Britain and France
He didn't count on the fact British would never give in
Hitler only fought the battle out of loyalty to them
But it would quickly be a burden on the shoulders of his men
When Italy invaded and failed to beat the Greeks
Hitler had to bail them out diverting troops that he needs
By now the sleeping Giant had been stirred into action
Due to attacks by an Axis power Japan
So Roosevelt sent Air and Ground forces
Into the conflict for the first time they will focus
On helping Britain gain back the advantage
And push the Germans out of the Region that's the Answer
America undisciplined and lacking cohesion
No one knew how they would perform no more reason
To hold back now this war keeps Raging
Another continent consumed it's amazing
The Germans held El Alamein Morocco Vichy France
Controlled by Germany the Allies plan to advance
Operation invade light the torch
Eisenhower Montgomery Invade light the torch
The Axis powers must be pushed away yes of course
Drive back Rommel and Italy operation Torch
Eisenhower was put in charge of the invasion force
Operation Torch main objective to seize key ports
Casablanca Oran Tunis and Algiers
Must be seized and controlled to advance no fear
That was there objective on the western side
To cripple Germany cutting off their supplies
Through Lybia strengthening 8th armies odds
To force a retreat from the mighty Desert Fox
Montgomery put in charge of the British 8th Army
Their objective was to push the Germans back at Alamein
Rommel had out whited many commanders before
And a gained a reputation of being invincible
But he advanced too far logistically he's stuck
At Alamein he would stand against Montgomery so tough
Matching wits with each other it would come down to will
And if the Axis could survive the attrition they will feel
The British controlled Malta in the Mediterranean
A key strategical point they would use devastating
Italian merchant vessels carrying vital supplies
To Rommel and his men the British sever the tie
Sinking 1/3 of the ships soon as much as half
This would be crippling to the German plan of attack
Effectively trapping them between Egypt and Libya
And no help would come from their men losing in Russia
Allied supplies came in at Alexandria
Supplies would be the Allies clear advantage
As well as man power but this was no guarantee
Because the Germans fight determined they will not be beat
Eisenhower's invading force now draws near to west
The great unknown is how Vichy France would receive them
But there is no turning back once again can't be rattled
The fate of the world just could hinge on this battle
On the Eve of the battle the Luftwaffe raided Malta
One last ditch attempt to free up the seas for the crossing
But they failed once again and once the battle nears
They will feel the affect not just now but many years
The British Navy are the unsung heroes of this fight
And the people who kept the Malta Island running high
So efficient it would truly be the defense
The Germans didn't lack will what they lacked brought in shipments
October 23rd 9: 40 pm
Alamein the assault began with artillery flashing
For 15 minutes 1 thousand guns pounded at the Axis
Infantry would follow suit in the North charge with passion
They faced Trento Division of Italy
And the German one sixty fourth they were advancing quickly
The enemy held defenses on the Monterian Ridge
Minefields and Barbwire greet the allies Like this
Their early objective to reach the Red Line
In the Middle of the defense and they were making good time
By midnight The Red Line reached
They now turn their sights to the Oxalic line past the ridge
But by day break the Axis rallied to hold them off
The 8th Army tried to thrust but met stiff resistance
A line of Anti Tank guns and uncleared mines
The battle raged on for 2 days 21st panzer save the day
Rommel sent them up North to secure the breach
And on the 27th a counter offensive struck east
October came to an end with the British gaining ground
21st Panzer being weakened day by day breaking down
November 2nd 8th army attacked at their flanks
In between German troops and the Italians
The British pounded a whole in the line 2 miles deeps
Resistance stayed fierce until Italy withdrew
On the 3rd of November Rommel would follow suit
After the capture on the 4th of Von Thoma
Rommel authorized a withdraw from there farther
From the breach in the line but Alamein was over
Montgomery's 8th army won but this is far from closure
A devastating blow yes, to the Axis defeat drew closer
Well 400 ships 100, 000 men
Approach the coast of French Morocco Algeria
October 7th assault groups disembarked
French Naval vessels attacked them they were inferior
The RAF dispatched planes to take the ships out
Paving the way for a landing on the beach no doubt
Because once they reached land the French resistance was in vein
Operation Torch in action changing everything
French air planes strafed the beaches causing chaos
But by noon the French Navy was destroyed and lost
Algeirs captured the first day and rather easily
But capturing the port of Oren would be more challenging
Because the front attack failed so did the airbourne fleet
To take out on first thrust the air fields they need
To destroy to secure a safe push inside
A slight delay by nightfall Oran was cutoff
The French finally gave in ordering cease fire
Brining the fighting to an end the situation dire
Morocco Algeria effectively secured
The allied effort turning towards French Tunisia
They captured Boujey easily without resistance
And on the 12th secured Bone their on a collision
Course with the Axis who now sent transports their way
The Luftwaffe bomb ally ships incisive fighting reigns
Fighting has changed Allies have gained
The upper hand back at El Alamein
Rommel now on the run 8th army in persuit
German rear guard fending them off with the Luftwaffe too
An unmapped minefield near Fuker did it too
Slowing down 8th army Rommel made haste now its true
The Allies failed to capture Tunis the Germans held this point
When the rain came in December a stalemate settled slow
By Janurary however the Germans made headway
Slowly turn the tables in the South where they break
Through the French units and Americans
They reigned supreme in the sky stukas bombed everything
Rommels 21st rallied to secure a key point
Where they could launch an attack on Amricas 2nd core
He broke through towards Tartar and at such speed
Remenisant of his early conquest Blitzkrieg
The Allies sent all they could Muster yes indeed
British, American, and French fought together yes believe
A break through by the Axis it could spell their defeat
But their supplies are running low The Axis had to retreat
On the 22nd Rommel had to disengage
His gamble had failed but only by a little bit
Now they would be trapped between the 8th army in the east
2nd core to the west the Merrith line was their key
Fighting was fierce by the 29th the axis pounded to submission
Merrith line Tabaga gap Axis reserves are defeated
15th Panzer kept fighting but it was all in vein
And remnants of Panzer core escaped to the hills of Tunis
They kept fighting bravely cause Hitler said don't surrender
April through May they were battered from the sky remorselessly
May 6th 15th Panzer virtually whipped out from history
Devastation at the hands of their enemy
Africa Core held out until July 13th
Quarter of a million men died half of which was Germany
Victory was secured in North Africa
Alamein and Torch had succeeded though it was rough
On the Axis powers this was the result of the conflict
2 entire Armies destroyed one Italian one Germany
That was the scale of the victory decimation
Another blow to the Nazis spelling doom and salvation
But the war will keep raging all the way to fortress Berlin
That allies use North Africa to now invade Italy