Gina Jeffreys walks of life

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They can't remember life before
Toys were scattered on the floor
And their world revolved around a baby's face
On hands and knees they watched him crawl
And they know in no time at all
He'll stand up and take off any day
These times will never come again
Once you let go of that hand
That first step is hard
It get's easier once you start
Down a new road you go
With moments that move you through time
The walks of life
He can't believe how time has flown
And how his little girl has grown
Here she is all dressed in white today
Standing ready at the aisle
It warms his heart to see her smile
He fights the tears as he gives her away
These times will never come again
Once you let go of that hand
The smell of roses fills the air
There's not a dry eye anywhere
Friends and family can't believe she's gone
Through all of life's uncertainties
And fifty years of memories
He wonders how he's gonna carry on
These times will never come again
Once you let go of that hand