Harakuju Nation attack on titan theme english language acapella cover acapella

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Without knowing the name of the trampled flowers
The birds that fell to the ground are waiting for the wind
Praying won't change anything
What will change the ⟪depressing situation⟫ (present) is how ready you are to fight…
Oh, the pigs sneering at our will to advance as we step over corpses
The livestock may be at peace…in their phony prosperity …But let us be free like the dying, starving wolves!
The humiliation of being trapped ↢signals↢ our counterattack; you're a ⟪hunter⟫ who slaughters the prey beyond the castle walls
While you're consumed by a raging ⟪bloodlust⟫ (urge), what gouges the scarlet at dusk is―
↢the crimson bow and arrow↢
Preparing my ↢, I won't let the targets (them) that I'm pursuing get away
Firing my ↢, I'll corner them and never let them get away
I pull my bowstring all the way to the limit
I'll fire it again and again until ⟪my targets⟫ (they) are dead
What will kill your prey
isn't your ⟪weapons⟫ (tools) or skills
but your own well-honed bloodlust
Wir sind der Jäger ⦆ ➸ As hot as flames!
Wir sind der Jäger ⦆ ➸ As cold as ice!
Wir sind der Jäger ⦆ ➸ Be one with your ↢!
Wir sind der Jäger ⦆ ➸ Pierce through everything!
The one who can change things
is the one who can throw away things
When you aren't taking any ⟪risks⟫, is there anything you can accomplish…?
Idiotic assumptions…are mere illusions …Even your foolish courage now…
The vanguards of freedom…gamble on their offensive
So let the sprinting slaves win!
The injustice imposed on us ↢signals↢ our attack
On the horizon robbed from us, ⟪the boy from that day⟫ (Eren) desires to be free (the world)
While you're devoured by an unceasing ⟪bloodlust⟫ (urge), what brings purple (death) to twilight is―
↢the bow and arrow of hell↢