Harvey Andrews unaccompanied

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The hooter wakes me up to face the day again
I wish that it would bloody go away again
Monday's bad, and Tuesday's worse, Wednesday, Thursday, just a curse
But Friday's payday, fill the purse, and pray again.
My wife she's growing round the waist, we're wild again
The priest gives thanks that we've been blessed with child again
After five I said 'no more', I'd never touch her, that I swore
But the priest says that's what loving's for, beguiled again.
They've moved us to this bloody block of flats again
Before we'd been here long we had the rats again
The kids play on a piece of scrub, we haven't even got a pub
But the priest he's formed a social club, rush mats again.
They built a special factory for work again
Said 'it's a great job for you, don't shirk again'
I stand around and tighten screws, and dream about a glass of booze
Whichever way you turn, you lose, a berk again.
The car's packed up, I can't afford repairs again
But the company's paid dividends on shares again
The bloody telly's on the blink, and something's blocked the kitchen sink
But the boss's mistress earned her mink, upstairs again.
The Thirties are a memory for Dad again
He tells me it can never be that bad again
But from Jarrow and from Clyde they'll come, with silent hearts and muffled drum
We want the cake, and not the crumb, we're mad again.