Hey Vanity broken artist

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I don't quite know what I'm supposed to do
Yeah I'm an open hearted broken artist through
Cos I was breaking my back to stay on track
But everything went wrong
How can a man have a plan that takes so long
While you were taking your time and wasting time
We lost the will to care but you didn't know it
And I do believe that you are the reason
I'm open hearted broken artist trying to repair
And the years that you wasted
Well I fear that they will hold us down
The oldest drown when new kids are in town
I don't quite feel right blaming this on you
Because you're an open hearted broken artist too
And this is not an attack on the skills you lack
Or the person that you are
But you wore us down until we hit the floor
And I do believe that you are the reason
I'm open hearted broken artist trying to repair
And the years that you wasted
Well I fear that they will hold us down
The oldest drown when new kids are in town