Hijos De Barrón el adis del botas blancas

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The White Boots are gone
I'm already jumping the gun
for the afterlife
but this is not over
and I left the legacy
in my hands carnal...
The state in Sinaloa
and the La Palma ranch
they will miss my power
also my entire line
and the closed beard
they mourn my death so cruel...
Goodbye Querétaro beautiful
Cuernavaca beautiful
and my great Monterrey
my Culiacán, Sinaloa
and Obregón, Sonora
where I left my love...
The eagle in full flight
was flying
when the attack began
nor with all my money
I controlled the government
because a bastard sold himself...
Luis and Julián are already gone
also Sergio Vega
my buddy so faithful
learn your corridos well
also your songs
they are with me too...
Tune the docerola
let it sound beautiful
br/>Gabbanelli too
and tell me about the assistant.
lining up bastards
and toast to me again...
Goodbye my armored cars,
my luxuries, my girls,
my high-powered weapons
I preferred death
than being a prisoner
a happiness that they should not have...