Hooded Fang vacant light

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To notice
Half lit
Demure smile
Your focus
Gaze in a little bit
At the exhibitions Narcissus creates
Stare back into the pool
At your refection with all the other fools
Do you want to know what I'm feeling today
Oh, all of our moments just one scroll away
In a sea of obscene
Where vanity reigns
And there's faces on screen
I'll fawn about yours
If you gaze upon mine
It's a circular action of critics divine
To notice
Half lit
Demure smile
Your focus
Gaze in a little bit
At the exhibitions Narcissus creates
Stare back into the pool
At your refection with all the other fools
Do you want to know what I'm feeling today
Oh, all of our moments just one scroll away
In a sea of obscene
Where vanity reigns
And there's faces on screen
I'll fawn about yours
If you gaze upon mine
In a circular action of critics divine