Ismael Serrano amo tanto la vida

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I love life so much, so much, that I fell in love with you
And now I wait impatiently to see the dawn with you
If this miracle ends, if my voice is consumed
If you give me a à Last slam of the door, on which street will I die?
You are so pretty tonight, your hair up looks so good
Ask me any wish, I can offer you little
I love so much, I love life so much, that I fell in love with you
And to love you so much, so much, I may not love you well
If I were your murderer with me I will never have To mercy
And I would condemn myself to death, which is to condemn me to your absence
That there are no more goodbyes, that you are not Ilsa Lazlo nor am I Rick Blaine
Nor am I such an idiot, I don't I would let him go with him
You will have to take the next plane you take with me
And I will remind you of the way back />I will remind you