Jack Thweatt sunday

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It's a Monday kind of feeling on a Tuesday afternoon
I can hear Wednesday calling but then Thursday come too soon
and by Friday I'm ready for a Saturday affair
cause on Sunday I'll be happy, the afternoon is here
It's a Monday kind of feeling on a Tuesday afternoon
I can hear Wednesday calling but then Thursday come too soon
and by Friday I'm ready for a Saturday affair
cause on Sunday I'll be happy, the afternoon is here
Slow down for a second dear
We rush around and we disappear
Just let the afternoon keep us here
For a moment, we still has time
In this moment you will be mine
It's a Monday kind of feeling and i know you can relate
cause the city is so busy, i can feel it everyday
And I know I love my baby, I cant hardly wait,
There is something extra special when I get to see your face
Slow down for a second dear
We rush around and we disappear
Just let the afternoon keep us here
For a moment, we still has time
In this moment you will be mine