James Loynes because he spoke to me

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Would I have sought Him long ago,
and been among the blessed?
When Jesus said,
Come unto me, and I will give you rest.
Would I have heard the voice of heaven calling,
calling tenderly?
Would I have been forever changed,
because He spoke to me?
Would I have followed hungering,
to feast on Living Bread?
To drink of Living Water,
never knowing thirst again?
Would I have heard the voice of heaven calling,
calling tenderly?
Would I have been forever changed,
because He spoke to me?
Would I have turned to listen
as He taught in Galilee?
Would I have heard the voice of God
speaking by the sea?
Would I have knelt before Him
knowing He could make me whole?
That He could touch my sightless eyes,
and free my sin-bound soul?
I seek Him now and hear Him gently
calling me by name
Again He says, Come unto me,
my Jesus, still the same
And I can hear the voice of heaven calling,
calling tenderly
I have been forever changed
because He spoke to me