Joan Sebastian sembrador de amor

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I come from where the wind
and I go to where the Sun,
free of thought
from birth I am a dreamer,
free of thought
from birth I am a dream adore
Bird in love
if you know about passion,
lend me a tune
to put it in my song,
it is adored for me
to take it to her balcony.
Sower of love,
sower of love,
free of thought
by birth I am a dreamer
free of thought
by birth I am a dreamer .
I dream of the mountains
and I dream of your warmth,
I dream that in the mornings
the Sun bathes us through my window
I dream that in the mornings
the Sun bathes us through my window.
Cover me with your arms,
cover my nakedness,
pri Love me with your kisses
and I want to know nothing afterwards,
love me with your kisses
and I want to know nothing afterwards
Sower of love, sower of love,
free of thought
from birth I am a dreamer,
free of thought
from birth I am a dreamer.