Josh Groban un dia llegara

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The dry leaves will fall and when April comes
You will touch my soul, you will come closer, you will come for more
After so much loneliness, I would feel again
I will find my peace in you
When the city falls asleep and the sun says goodbye
I will look for you again until I reach this illusion ³
I will find you and you will love me like this.
And I will listen in the silence to the voice of the heart
And the storm will calm down in your arms
Your love is worth waiting for because one day it will come
I will find you and you will love me like this
And I will listen © in the silence the voice of the heart
And the storm will calm in your arms
Your love is worth waiting for tomorrow
He will hug you © in silence
All my life I waited for your love
And that day comes, I know you will come to more