Juan Gabriel otra vez me enamor

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I fell in love again
after having promised
not to fall in love again
I must do it carefully
not to give myself completely
so as not to cry later
I learned well the lesson
that a love that has been loved
is not so easy to forget
and once it has been lost
once is enough
for it to be for always
and if he doesn't come back, what difference does it make?
and now....
I fell in love again
I'm going to do it carefully
there is no reciprocated love
there is no love that is honest
it is money wasted
and this time I want to save it
and now that....
I fell in love again
I'm going to do it carefully
there is no reciprocated love
there is no love that is honest
it is money wasted
and this time I am going to save it
again once I fall in love