Killah Priest gate way

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(Killah Priest)
There's a season for everything
A time for every occupation of the heaven
A time for givin' birth
A time for dyin'
A time for for plannin'
A time for uprooted that which was planted
A time for killing
A time for healing
A time for knocking down
A time for building
A time for tears
A time for laughter
A time for mourning
A time for dancing
A time for throwing stones away
A time for gathering them up
A time for embracing
A time to refrain from embracing
A time for searching
A time for losing
A time for keeping
A time for throwing away
A time for tearing
A time for sewing
A time for keeping silent
A time for speaking
A time for loving
A time for hating
A time for war
A time for peace
So what does a man gain for the efforts that he makes?
I contemplate the task
'The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away'
Thy horse is a spirit waiting me near they graves
A ghost rider leaps out on the saddle of it
Then the horse begins running upward beyond an orange summit
That same horse saddled in my cousin and billions of dozens
Before their bones begin crumbling
To their grave from the mother stomach
Well, my nephew he wrote one, to that bowl sun
Hs mother followed him way up into the outer realms
Where the clouds are crowded wit men
At night the goons are prowling for gems
There's place for grandparents, a far advanced planet
Where dreams go, where Kings and Queens souls
Where everything seems slow
Tupac moves in that dark, Biggie is seeing at our city
It's misty; Jam Master Jay is in that haze
Big L as well, he dwells wit Big Pun in that Kingdom
And J. Dillinger and the millions of souls
Many more will have to go, reason why? I don't know
You try to stay focus, watching for that day approaches
You got the coverage of the Lord's judgment
The blood rinse off your soft body
Then placed in the arms of your mommy
She placed you in a potty
Fast forward, you in a staircase in your lobby
Watching fiends going out on apartment 5-D
Well I know this crackhead name Brother Lord
Always watching him hugging the floor
Many get high and many souls have to fly
The Bible says we all have to die
You look for reasons, I don't know why
This is where the ghetto spirits cop tonight
No owls in flight, no sound in sight
As we float like a cloud through the dark light
Barking of bunch of old worn out dogs nobody wants
Hounds from hell, the starving night haunts
The flesh is unveiled, pure spirit unbothered by gravity
A body weight to a Godly place
Then drift into the internal night
As they take the eternal flight
They see her majesty, the Gatekeeper
The great weepers, the grave's deeper
And the night is frostbit
So long back to the darkness
That's enough, your majesty, that's enough
Shhhhh... You're sworn into secrecy, say no more
But Father...
No one must know about the hidden door
Close the door and move out the way
Close the door