Korpiklaani tequila

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Men's mind to the world*
Paths for the ignorant.
To the other side of the seas, the roads,
I folded the skies there.
As a wanderer in the world,
Sing like a fan of liquor,
Kansoil ' to the unknown.
(Squealing to the thirst of life.)
Took our path to Mexico,
Where life is tequila.
Argentina, Columbia, Chile, el viva!
Our way to Brazil,
Where caipirinha lives.
Argentina, Columbia, Chile, el viva!
Caipirinha, tequila, caipirinha, tequila, el viva!
When you have drunk enough of your thirst,
Played the world's tuvil'.
Traveled the ball through, across.
Pies carefully played.
There was no worry about tomorrow,
A thought as I will,
Until the joy grows old,
Home as far as I can.
[English translation:]
The men were itching to travel the world
And got away to unfamiliar paths
Beyond the Seas and roads
That's where they wandered
Those tramps of the world
Played Possessed by spirits
And were heard by unknown nations
Drinking to the thirst of life
Once the craving for drink had gone
Once they'd played far and wide
Once they'd gone to the ends of the earth
Once they'd thrown a good party
There was no reason for concern
Neither did cares ever cross their mind
But once the Joy dwindled away
Homesickness Struck 'em all
Our path led to Mexico
Where your life's tequila
Argentina, Columbia, Chile, el viva!
Our road branched off to Brazil
Where your life's caipirinha
Argentina, Columbia, Chile, el viva!
Caipirinha, tequila, caipirinha, tequila, el viva!