Kryl Karel bridge

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To the whole castle garrison
Gero went to collect the tithes
so he could celebrate a good holiday
the empty city, the village and the forest
or Sasik Prajs and Brandibor
he stopped dying to pigs a long time ago
he doesn't want to pay the castle any more
through the guilds he lifts to the Hungarians
there on the Danube he boards a raft
he falls against the current
and he yodels merrily
how An old man like a Tyrolean or a Bavarian
He took Gero as an insult
that no one wanted a paper
and permission to issue a passport
and that even the parish
is already giving him approval
and I don't want to fill his treasury
is it any wonder that he is upset
when his subjects run away
he has been exposed to his care for years
and that he feels insulted
when fura can fura Is a woman flying from his neighbor's furnace? Gero sees the fire on stress and alerts Mikes to catch the slave shack and Mikes as an ally. >goes to catch Germans for Germans
because it benefits the kidneys and liver
and Pepa - hands from work sneaks around the palace
what hides in the roofs of Malostrania
and with the village mammoth hunters
he's going to steal cars
did they leave Branibori in Bohemia
Why wouldn't he steal one?
yes - that's where Pepa is a democrat
a sikko should always be given a chance
my we survived the Habsburg
and today we have a Wartburg
and a tuzex account in Zivnobank
then he will start after the loupe
to the weekend cottage
there he will have a beer kura with his friends
a in terms of circumstances
I know that it will pay off again
and I am already looking forward to democracy...