Kundan Lal Saigal rehmat pe teri mere gunaahon ko naaz hai

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Song- Rahmat pe teri mere gunaahon ko naaz hai (Saigal NFS)(1940) Singer-K L Saigal, Lyrics-Md Iqbal, MD-K L Saigal
rahmat pe teri mere gunaahon ko naaz hai
When you are blessed, you are blessed with love
When you are blessed, you are blessed with love
When you are blessed with love, you are blessed with love
Aayy palti jidhar adaa
aaa aaa aaa aaa
I love you with all my heart
my friend, the eyes of the world are useless
the eyes of the world are useless
have mercy on my sins What is Naaz? What is the secret of whom?
My sins are honored by your mercy.
There is a seal of silence on the face, what is the main story
what is the main story
what is the main thing? What is the secret of silence on the mouth
What death has not said is the secret of existence
What death has not said is the secret of existence
Rahmat My failings and transgressions are forever indebted by your divine mercy; for I know that I am, but a human, indigent and fragile, and you are the all powerful and all merciful patron and the cherisher of the poor.
rahmat u003d mercy, divine favor
pe u003d on< br/>teri u003d yours
mere u003d mine
gunaah u003d sin, failings, transgressions
ko u003d unto
naaz u003d pride, satisfaction
hai u003d is
bandaah u003d man, devotee, slave
hoon u003d I am
jaantaa u003d to know, knowing
jaantaa hoon u003d I do know
tu u003d You
bandaah-nawaaz u003d patron, cherisher of the poor
His all consuming glance, half closed eyes like that of an inebriated drunk , is overpowering; whichever direction it turned with grace, everything on which His gaze fell, was blessed with joy and happiness.
Again, using the device of an affable beloved, whose glance is described as intoxicating, the poet establishes His benefactor nature; whichever direction his glance moves, everything in its path is blessed with happiness.
palti u003d turned, directed
jidhar u003d in (whichever) direction
adaa u003d charm, grace, gesture
se u003d with
lubhaa u003d to enamor, to captivate, to draw attention, to cause an endearing emotion
daale u003d done, to do
khum u003d a large jar / container of wine
khum ke khum u003d many containers of wine
uss u003d that
yaar u003d friend, beloved
qahr u003d calamity, catastrophe
ki u003d of
nigaahen u003d eyes, glance
neembaaz u003d half awake, intoxicated
hain u003d is/are
keh do ye sangdil se ki teraa sang-e-aastaan
ye dekh ki ki jabeen-e-niyaaz hai
Let the stones of the threshold see and decide for themselves, whose forehead is bowed in prayers.
(If one may have noticed, the believers will rub their forehead on the stone at the doorstep (dehleez) of the mosque or the tomb of their master, such that a dark spot actually forms on the forehead).
keh do u003d say it, tell
ye u003d this
sang u003d stone
sangdil u003d stone hearted, callous
se u003d to
ki u003d that
teraa u003d yours
aastaan u200bu200bu003d doorstep, threshold
sang-e-aastaan u200bu200bu003d stone at doorstep
ye dekh le u003d should observe this
ki u003d that
kis ki u003d whose
jabeen u003d forehead
niyaaz u003d supplication, prayer, entreaty
mouth par I am prohibited (and maybe unable too) to say anything more than the message that is instituted by Death itself. , the message that reveals the fundamental truth of life and its existence.
The poet is establishing and making effort to bring the reader's attention to the inevitability of death; death that is the final and the only truth of all living beings.
par u003d on
lagi hai u003d installed, placed
mohr u003d seal, stamp, imprint
khamoshi u003d silence< br/>mohr-e-khamoshi u003d seal of silence
main kya kahoon u003d what can I say
jo u003d whatever
maut u003d death, ultimate reality
ne kahaa u003d has said
wo u003d that
hasti u003d existence, life, being
ka u003d of
raaz u003d secret, mystery, enigma, riddle; also answer, solution
hai u003d is