Kyle Johnson seek your truth

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Wandering the streets I go
Looking for a face I know
My steps heavy through the snow
No one looks familiar
Melting hearts begin to freeze
Life has brought me to my knees
Hear a prayer sung on the breeze
But it goes unanswered
Cold collecting in my spine
Frozen is my winter shrine
Hear the words of the divine
Now you have your answer
Knowledge may placate your thoughts
Never gained if never sought
Without light your soul will rot
You must believe your answer
Melting ice from blazing light
I see a face in the white
Nothings ever felt so right
Always seek the answer
I now see a face I know
Reflected in the frozen snow
Warming wind it starts to blow
Feel my blood begin to flow
Knowledge lights the way I go
My spirit is left aglow
World around me starts to slow
Embrace the light and you will grow
Don't be afraid to face your answers