La Chicane en deuil

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I was walking in the evening when I saw him
collapsed on a street corner
His knees, bleeding in his own blood
Screaming but no one there hears
Beated for what he had in his pockets
He raises his head, nervous, I approach
His two little ones, I see them in his eyes
In mourning because of a lazy person, in mourning
I open the TV, still death
Of a country under a barbaric regime
All on their knees , bleeding in their blood
Deaths in the name of the government
The earth took on the appearance of a grave
Images of a corpse every second
And the people dressed all in black
In mourning because of a territory, in mourning
If I understand correctly, it is the innocent
Who are dominated by the violent
They all bathed in their blood, still beaten down in cold blood
But I always think of the living
Those who remain there, helpless, in mourning