Lapis Lazuli burning bridges

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I see nothing, fate is lost forevermore
All that was mine, everything to me
I can't seem to find it at all
These doors are all closing, the vanquishing light
Shattering dreams as I close my eyes
When everything fails, when bloodlines are torn
I walk over burning bridges for you
Im weary and weak, I'm tired and numb, why can't I feel
When everythings gone, when all bonds are lost
I walk over burning bridges for you
I want you to see, I want you to feel with me
Where have you gone, hear my voice calling you
All that was me, everything I loved
Haunting the loss forevermore
These doors are all closing, the vanquishing light
Shattering dreams as I close my eyes
When everything fails, when bloodlines are torn
I walk over burning bridges for you
Im weary and weak, I'm tired and numb, why can't I feel
When everythings gone, when all bonds are lost
I walk over burning bridges for you
I want you to see, I want you to feel with me
Why did we have to suffer for his deeds
Why did we have to pay the price for him
What are we but the puppets in his play
Whats the purpose in this life for us all
Are we nothing but faceless fear to him
I am lost to him, I can't seem to break free
I have done what I can, I am tired?
Why did we have to suffer for his deeds
Why did we have to pay the price for him
What are we but the puppets in his play
Whats the purpose in this life for us all
Are we nothing but faceless fear to him
We are lost to him, we can't seem to break free
We have done what we can, we are tired †