LAURA PAUSINI tan importante

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One day and another day
I feel the time that is
Escaping through my hands
I go chasing
My thoughts the desires
That without rules and somewhat bitter
I had you remember them
As if it had been just a dream
That we lived those unique months
And not to look for you anymore
But it is not so important
A moment alone of melancholy
Sliding in the eyes of people
Walking indifferently, my life
Blame of a summer
Of the perfume of a night of a moment that
That will never be forgotten
Guided by the desire to feel
Suddenly always closer
Almost burning us
It's too late, don't even think about it
This is not the time of forgetting and being reborn
Of not looking for you anymore
But I don't know what is important
Whether or not to trust you
Of that face so printed here in my mind
I don't know, but I always think of you
Nothing exists
That erases the memory of you
Your dreamy and different look
Where are you, tell me, now where are you
And I return in an instant to my present
I think you are still here
You are so important
Look at me, I need of you
In your eyes I see transparent water
Like a river that is lost over me