Linton Kwesi Johnson di anfinished revalueshan

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now watchta mistah man
I don't like the way you stand
and you stand so too long you know man
a meditate you meditate on the same song so long?
well hear my man:
I don't preach
I don't teach
I just show you
how I say
caw the trute well sweet
just like an African beat
like when you see who you're coming from
like when you site whichpawt you reach
so I don't care if you want to vex
or even act like you perplex
me will show you why I see mistah man
you just sit and fole-up like a cabbidge
like that you have not understanding have no nallidge
like that you still do not realize that it is just the addah day
we chuck-awf the choking chains of bandidge
that in spite of the hateridge and disadvantage
do we slip-up and stumble on the way
we still reach far down freedom street
still mindful of the minefields on the way
so I beg you mistah man
please come out of your shell
you can't dwell in the past
cat last forever you know my brother
now that the sun is shining bright
please come out of the doldrums of the dark night
history is bigger than me or you know
time cannot steal but it can heal
so shake the dew from out your head
wipe the cabweb from your face
we have much work to do
far we have not reached mount zion
yes we are laying a solid foundation
for true
and one and two of our wells are getting true
for true
but we still have not built the new jerusalem yet
the time will come again
you can bet
when we will march again
you hear my friend
mobilize our women and our friends
even the children of golb jine een
for freedam is not noh idelagy
freedam is a human necessity
it can depend on now wan somebody
is up to each and every one of us
I don't preach
I don't teach
I just show you
how I say
caw the trute well sweet
just like an African beat
like when you see why you're coming from
like when you site whichpawt you reach
so I don't act like you want to vex
or even act like you perplex
I just show you why I see mistah and