Liznesszy soldier girl feat bumsy

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I gat my bows and arrows.
I gat my sword and shield.
I at no fears or horrors,
Cause I am on the field.
Yes, I’m on the field.
I’m here to make ma yield.
Yes I’ve gat the zeal,
Cause I’m getting ready for the battle.
Wanna be a soildier girl.Yes, I’ll be.
What to do with all the goals I’m winning.
Everybodys calling for a rehab.
Wanna be a soldier girl. Yes, I’ll be.
Wanna be a soldier girl, fighting for my goals.
Fighting for the fantasies, getting on the fashion.
Getting all I ever needed; doing all the deeds
You can say that again,
Cause I’m here to amake a gain.
Never thought I needed that,
But, oh, I don’t need no doubt.
Wanna be a soldier girl,
A habit.
Life is only better from my latitude
And they all say I gat an attitude
Wanna be a soldier girl, playing on my roles.
Fighting to achieve my aims; I will get my goals.
I will never stop until I get the best I can.
Wanna be a soldier girl; must get to the top.
No matter how it may seem, I will never drop.
I will never stop until I get the best I can.
Yes I’m on the field.
I’ve gat all I need.
I have got a dream.
I will shout and scream.
This’s what I’m battling for
And I must win this war.
Amma be a winner.
Amma not a loser.
I’ll fulfill my dreams,
No matter how it seems.
Gat many challenges.
No matter what rages,
Gotta take my chances
Amma on the axis,