Los Huracanes Del Norte a mi modo

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In my own way I have lived life
To live it there is no written method
In my own way I have made mistakes,
But I learned a little from them,
I have learned to cry in life
And also to enjoy it beautifully.
I have led life in my own way
This is how I plan to continue leading it,
In my own way I learned from women,
Little by little She was teaching me little May the northerner and the band play me
May sadness not be seen in any face
May they sing me beautiful songs
And in my way be my farewell
May I go wherever I go I will leave happy
For having lived life my way.
(hahaha and I don't cry, I just remember my chuy)
In my way I would like to say
To my parents How many I adore
and I'm not ashamed to say it
That when I remember them I cry
They are my greatest wealth
My mother is a diamond
My father It is golden,
Let it be my funeral in my own way
Let tequila and beer be served
Let the norteño and the band play me
Let sadness not be seen on any face
May they sing me beautiful songs
And let it be my farewell in my own way
That wherever I go I will leave happy
For having lived life my way.