Los Planetas reunion en la cumbre

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The committee of experts has met
and they have decided that our thing is over
and I would have liked
to have participated in the process
The company committee has met
and they have decided that the party is over
either you are on our side
or go packing your bags
The shareholders meeting has met
and they have decided that you lose sight
that lately you were going too far
The extraordinary board has met
and they have decided that they are not funny
the same joke again
and why don't you change it
let's see when you change
A group of businessmen has met
and they have decided to give you a salary
so that you are screwing me
most of the time
The council of ministers has met
and they have decided to put an end to what we have
so I am sneaking in
let's see if the one who falls is here It's always the same
The police have met
and they have decided that the police station
is the right place
for you to spend the day
The police have met Roman conclave
and they have decided that they have excommunicated you
for what you are telling me
for what you have been telling
the rubbish you have been telling
All the neighbors
and they have decided that no matter what you say
no one is going to pay any attention to you
they do not take any notice
Fourteen or fifteen crazy women have gathered together
and They have decided to touch my balls
and they are succeeding
I am going to stay in the attempt
I am going to stay in the attempt