Lou Ruiz the screen door and me

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Mmm, Mmm, Mmm
This brand new carpet feels real nice
But I'm sure I'd like it better outside
Could you spare me a hand?
Give that door a swing
I've got places to go...
I've got a world to see...
It's so close
It's at the end of my nose...
And oohh if I could run under that tree
If I could feel the soft green blades under my feet
And yeahh what an adventure that would be
Swimming circles around the thing that I can't reach
One day I know I'll see
But for now I'll sit and dream
Just the screen door and me And I guess my problem has its perks
No need for worry, no lessons learned
But if I wanna feel something real
Get stung by a bee
I want to fall on the ground
I was scrape up my knee...
And it's so close
It's at the end of my nose
And oohh if I could run under that tree
If I could feel the soft green blades under my feet
And yeahh what an adventure that would be
Swimming circles around the thing I can't reach
One day I know I'll see
But for now I'll sit and dream
I'm gonna see a shooting star
And get lost in the neighbor's yard
There's no telling where I go
And I see an opening
If I go now I could squeeze, it's a chance for something real
And oohh if I could run under that tree
And I could feel the soft green blades under my feet
And yeahh what adventure that would be
Swimming cirlces around the thing I can't reach
One day I know I'll see
But for now I'll sit and dream
Just the screen door and me Ooohhh
Yeaahh oohhh