LouderThanQuiet feat. Jonny Craig red gemini

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Sunrise beats you
behind your eyes
this time
I feel inclined to decline
the arrangement of all
your lies
Lies Living nocturnal
Has our faith disguised
Just let our horoscopes and stars align
Its so depressing
being crushed
under the sea
why do we bother
You won't let me
Go 'head and listen to your friends
You want a noose around my neck
These acts won't be approved,
sheep around all these wolves
If you weren't feeling that you'd lose
why forfeit in the end?
I just don't understand.
How One can regain trust again.
But on the other hand
I only want what's mine
I never need that static feedback just a tragic reattach
You know what's meant to be
You and your friends achieve that and am I reaching it
You know what's meant to be
This time! Or is this just the fucking season?
My ex lover!!
I hope you realize how much life is despised because of that look in your eyes
Middle fingers to the skies and my dick between thighs
Just to forget the tries I've used thinking your love wasn't lies.
Disguised as fate
Lies Living nocturnal
Has our faith disguised
Just let our horoscopes and stars align