Odame i love jesus

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Tangled everything around my heart
I can never find the time to sigh
I know you
It's so good to see you there again I'm sorry I was gone for so long
For so long
I never heard a word you said
Couldn't get it though my fucking head
I never thought to listen now I'm here
You told me everything to do
I fucked it up I am sad
Now I want to kill myself
I'm tired of life and every day is the same thing
But then I find the faded memory you mean so fucking much to me I'm breathing today
For you
I talked to Jesus yesterday
He told me I'm the shit
He said quit your bitching change your ways I love you
Ah shit I'm gone
I heard it what you said to me
But I can't not this time
So I ask you Jesus please someday I pray get me out of this
Tangled everything around my heart
I can never find the time to sigh
I know you
It's so good to see you there again I'm sorry I was gone for so long