Omen Hungary koldusdal

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Omen Hungary
Brutal Tango
Beggar's Song
You drink penz, the dog barks
Who you're not a fool, stay broke!
Good times. Everyone is free.
Everyone is taken as a dog.
I was cheap yesterday,
I'm cheaper today.
Ignorant and ignorant and served.
Penz eats, the caravan moves.
Lies come from the wall too.
Good times. Everything is free.
If you're weak, shut up.
You were cheap yesterday too.
Today you will be cheaper.
I and you and everyone, are part of a power game.
Beggar's song - in the street and on the street
Beggar's song - read the list
Beggar's song - learn it right.
Money drinks and has no smell.
Something is quietly buzzing here.
Good times. Where does one go home,
If you leave here.
We were cheap yesterday, today we'll be cheaper
You and everyone else are part of a power game.
Beggar's song - this is the king now
He sings in a loud voice
Beggar's song - the list contains
Beggar's song - learn it right.
Beggar's song - on the street and on the street
He sings everywhere
Beggar's song - the list contains
Beggar's song - learn it right.