Ornatos Violeta dia mau

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I didn't want to keep it for myself
And with the dimension of pain
Legitimate the end
I gave it
But it was for show
br/>If there is no love back
Nothing stops the fountain from drying up
But so much worse
And who am I
to teach you now
A see the bright side of a bad day
I know your life was
Marked by the pain of not knowing where it hurts
But it's okay
NO There was no daylight
Who has not tasted the bitter aftertaste of melancholy
And then, boy, why the anger
If it's not my fault
These will be secondary effects of poetry
But why should I spend my time
Seeing if I can tighten my grip? your hand
I've been thinking about us
Since your feet don't take off the ground
You say I give just because you like it
I'll give you a try
The bitter aftertaste of loneliness
Just another bad day