Ostbahn-Kurti Und Die Chefpartie da brade weg

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You really think he was already looking at you
Looking at your beautiful face, your good joke
You think when you'll be sitting at your desk with no shoulders on your shoulders
You're firmly in your career as a career
You really think he wouldn't have anything else to do
Ois like nua no stand up for you
You're making an egg
You're frying an egg
Oba that's not a brada Away
You really don't think he would do anything else
Ois with the food, I'm going to the office
The shrimps are rinsed out/then it's over
Then it's your turn with the numbers< br/>Your hand is broken on your egg without a bowl
Then you'll know what happens next
You form an egg
You fry an egg
Oba that's not a good way
WaaÃt exactly where the worst of life
And that doesn't come from talking about it
Sogst: Heast, what is the problem
When do you want to be ruined or given
/>You really think that's the big deal
The Garconniere, where you're waiting for eam
He pays the interest and you
And it'll happen when the family loses you
Do you really think he's lying down and standing in front of you
A wanna talk to you like that in bed
You're making an egg
You're frying an egg
Oba that's no a brada way
You think you've got the director now
You're flying in a wild way
That's boring, the Garconniere was free
You know: Heast, Kurtl, ziag do ei
Oba really believes, I didn't want anything different from you
Ois like fia di da sausage is
You're making an egg
You're frying me an egg
Oba that's it no a brada way