P.O.E. the king s jester

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In the loud silence of the court
A monster lives named Hop-Frog
He's little, lame and odd
But he's clever and very strong
He's the court jester
Of a stupid fat king
That with seven stupid fat ministers
laughs, eats and drinks
Drink the wine!
I'm fat, but i'm not blind!
I love jokes, you know
I want the best jest of the world!
You're mine! And your life too!
Let me wait the day
In which you'll die
My hate is madness
My revenge is sweet
All my life
Is a joke
But let the joker
Be your lord
There's no hate
More lovely
Than the one you taste
When you're crazy!
In the darkness I've been waiting
And praying, and dreaming freedom
But who could love a monster like me?
Then I've seen her, and her beautiful hair
My freedom is love, my fate is hate
I've always been a clown
But now... now...
Finally the day
In which you die
My hate is madness
My revenge is sweet