Pandas bonercycle

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This seems. This seems so. This seems so familiar.
It's just. It's just the way. It's just the way of culture.
Hey man, I'll weather rough storms,
since they're just weather patterns.
Yeah man, I can weather all storms.
It's not like we have not before.
Purge, repent, rebuild again. That's our rinse/repeat society.
Faith in all we've accomplished is a false sense of security.
Multiply. Divide. Align to a nationality. Isn't that humanity?
Well, I guess that's all I've ever perceived.
So you say, you've got it written down.
The perfect prose but I'm afraid we're past the works of literature.
So you say, you've got it all worked-out.
The math has been all checked. A formula to let us evolve together.
I swear I've heard that one before,
out of the tomes of scholars' thoughts.
Within the confines of church spires,
all those answers have become stock.
So as machines become more complex
to try and fix this sprawling mess.
I'm another purveyor of wasted time
or a fickle facsimile fading fast.
This seems so familiar. A broken dikes flood a pasture.
It's just the way of culture. A city full of sleeping disorders.
This seems so familiar. A tension bridge snaps from earth fissures.
It's just the way of culture. Recycled lives. Recycled buskers.
That pretty song sums it up well.
That pretty song, such an axiom.
That pretty song or your prolix swill.
That pretty song is sealed in a vacuum.
The clockwork is slowing down; Internal springs are wearing out.
Clenched teeth of gears all errode in a quiet clicking droning sound.
So you say, you've got it written down. The prose to break past errors.
So you say, you've got it figured out in equations. The math's all there.
So you say, you've got it all solved. Just follow the word of our savior.
So you say, you've got it all figured out. Well, I swear I've heard that all before.
So you say.
Hey man, I'll weather rough storms after all they're just weather patterns.
Yeah man, I can weather these storms just like before. The drains are clogged with the stagnance of repeats.
Hey man, I can weather rough storms. The same old weather patterns.
Yeah man, I can weather all storms. Just like before the drains are clogged with the stagnance of histories.
Well, I guess that's just what I've seen.