Penn Masala main tanha

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i see a smile, its been a while
she's gone by, over my mind and time passes by
everytime i try, i wonder why
its so hard, to get over her, i can't win this fight
as the sunrise awakens the world below, its a pain to see,
that the woman (muffled) as I never thought, got cold inside of me
i need to love u everyday, this simply isn't it a way
to erase the pain and soothe the wound inside my heart,
i am forever changed
i am alone
and I can't go back, no
how beautiful are these moments
how lovely are those that come within me
what did I learn one day
how did I learn
The evening's air is in front of you
Paani's sister is singing there
In the peace of your arms
My entire life is
How can I promise you to my name, from the silence of my eyes
What did you say to everyone, how do you go? >main tanhaa (main tanhaa)