Phuong Vy thi tham mua xuan

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Verse 1:
Từng chá»i green mountain mÆ¡n man
Từng haº¡t mÆ°a glistening rÆ¡i ... mùuâ n
And  in the cool screen
Who loves you .. sleepy
The spring leaves my friend
And the spring leaves you... The price is quite good
And it's the time I have you... okay
And I know this price love money
And you know the best price
What's the difference? £ Äến you give me ᥠhôn
And  the sùa¹n Äã give me áaº¯hôn
Äa» so much» i, Äắm say ... Äa» rá»i, ngất ngây!!!
Repeat Verse 1