Phyne Ballerz hasrat

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My love,
I want to express
This sincere desire in my heart
Is it possible that the expression can be immortalized
How should I prove it
It is impossible for me to pronounce
There is only one self-sincerity
You are the queen
Don't be sad again
I only ask for one thing
A piece of your promise
Close your eyes
You are always in my heart
Imagined in a premonition
The fulfillment of wishes
I am grateful to the One
Because of long loneliness
How difficult it is to understand you
Even though my heart is burning
Nothing can be done
If you feel sad
You are the queen
Don't be sad again
I only ask one thing
A piece of your promise
Close your eyes
You are always in my heart
Imagined in a premonition
The fulfillment of a wish
I want to caress your heart
I want to hold your straw
What I said
I just miss you
You are the queen
Don't you be sad again
I only ask for one thing
A piece of your promise
Close your eyes
You are always in my heart
Imagined in a premonition
Termakbullah wish