Piersi marsz kpn

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(lyrics: Kukiz; music: folk melody)
They are standing in Brzeg and Legnica
Cars, tanks of the Bolsheviks
And I don't want him to guard me
Communist hammer and sickle
She guarded us for 40 years
Jozek's army - communists
It's time for them to go home
Pack the guns, get in the Mig
Why talk about freedom
When we still have guests
br/>And you can't trust them
They can always make a fuss
Somehow they can't leave here
They tell you to wait a little longer
Let's wait another year
They will form a government in Poland again
br/>I have nothing against people there
Only their uniforms bore me
And they can't stand in Poland
Bolshevik troops and hello
I wish everyone there well
Have it just like in America
But Poland is my country
Make it a paradise in America
I understand you, Sasha
You like to dance cha-cha so much
But forgive me, my brother< br/>Dance your own dance in Sibirsk
I understand you, Vanya
You like to drink without breakfast
But you don't have such roads
So that you could drink vodka
Let's go, let's go, friends
You at your place and I at mine
Let me visit you
Then I will invite you too
And for now, to tell the truth
These friendships are a bit boring
Well, what kind of guy is he
Who doesn't want to go from here
Axe, hoe, black Volgas
Soviet tanks will take from here
Axe, hoe, sickle and hammer
When will they go from here