Purgatory dragdown

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I (You don't know who I am) Can (try to understand)
Find … (Unsophisticated) Way Out … (Ubsurdities)
Cra … (brain dysfunction) Dle … (Electric shock)
Your … (crime of passion)(Poison …)
I (You don't know who I am) Can (try to understand)
Find … (Unsophisticated) Way Out … (Ubsurdities)
Cra … (brain dysfunction) Dle … (Electric shock)
Your … (crime of passion)(Poison …)
I can't find the way out You cradle me with your poison
Bothering me, ENVY was a mistake You… Create this waste
Hopeless… What the fuck are you expected?
Madness… You can call me negative
Sadness … Couldn't choke back the pain
Sickness… Never ending vein
Drown … Look at me… I'm dragdown Overbearing and suffering
I (You don't know who I am) Can (try to understand)
Find … (Unsophisticated) Way Out … (Ubsurdities)
Cra … (brain dysfunction) Dle … (Electric shock)
Your … (crime of passion)(Poison …)
Hope…less… Mad…ness…
Sad…ness… Sick…ness…
Drown … Look at me… I'm dragdown Overbearing and suffering