Puya fake

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[A good suit and also makeup
A Colgate ad smile
That look you got from the cinema
And in your mind the count of how many guys you knocked down
Always the ones you They are cooler
With that little group as cynical as you
High heels and El Caro perfume
Let's see who falls today who you knock the money off of]
[On the other side It comes well cropped
Well fashionable and also entelao
With a look of someone who doesn't want the thing
Looking over to see how he poses
An asshole with a guille de Playboy
In her mirror she says how good I am
She loves going out with her car
It's the tremendous mamito figurin]
Another day to put up your act
One more break give me a break
Another day to put up your act
One more break to be a fake
[Yours is a matter of appearance
Damn slaves of a sick science
That took away the last drop of essence from us
The sun rises, smiles and challenges us
Who will you be today, what will your mask be today
Intellectual, casual, formal or sensual
Hey, what kind of puppet]
[In this theater the bravito is the one who lies
A great fear of not being accepted
Ironic if we are all the universe
If we forget what supposedly true
A scheme that is difficult to break
Happiness based on paper
A card to belong
A life without being able to be]
Another day to put up your act
One more break give me a break
Another day to put up your act
One more break to be a fake
Another day to put up your act
One more break give me a break
Another day to put up your act
One more break to be a fake
[Foreign content]