Recoil vertigen

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That morning I got up
I don't remember where or even the time
And everything had changed But I didn't know it yet
And what's more It's worth never knowing
My mind was small but enough before
Ceased to be My life a private void
Uncertainty sadness loneliness; later falls buried
Cursed predictability suffocating there
I had never missed anything so much
Not even the blood that runs through my veins
I didn't need it with the same urgency
While the pain suddenly grew
That noise was unbearable
Screaming and crying I ran
I was unable Hearing my screams
Certainly terrifying
Suddenly the abyss opened under my feet
I wanted to die Recover my lair
My beloved loneliness
My limbs my precious island
And I fell Queia
Feeling closer and closer to that horror
Of my own pain
Of the most terrifying awakening of my senses
Just discovered
I don't remember when I woke up
That fateful morning back then Salvador
I don't remember when I'm falling that I'm falling
Seeing the end closer
Every time I die with uncertainty
If it will ever come
Now the pain seems to have no limits
Pain and fear are all I feel
I'm afraid of falling forever