Regina Elis comunicacao

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Regina Elis
Personality Vol. 2
(Wheel, wheel and let me know!)
I feel the advertisement and I see it
In the form of a desire the soap
In the form of ice cream I wake up and sleep on television.
Toothpaste, health
And I live in a smile, paradise
Almost played, driven, in the commercial.
I only drank tea< br/>I'm almost forced to drink coffee
I turn on the device and see King Pelé
Let's repeat the goal!
And on the moon I'm
Another astronaut-sponsor
br/>I'm late, I lose my love
Another sensational announcement!
I put an additive in the pan, gasoline
I pass by the kitchen window, there's another stove
The doorbell rings
One more survey and I'll answer
It's crazy, I'm already a fan of the commercial!
We are thinking as a group...
Discover Brazil through Varig!
Ducal... my name is Gal!... Ducal!. ...)