Renald Francoeur count it out loud

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Alright, we're going to have a little fun right now
Every time we start counting
I want you to use your fingers to follow along--OK?
Now I'm sure you never heard it like this before
After we're done, I bet you're going to wanna learn some more
I'm going to teach you to say numbers one through ten
In different languages and that is where the fun begins
So are you ready?
I'm ready!
Get set
I'm set
OK, now listen up cause here we go
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight
Nine, ten--we're going to do it again (yeah)
Uno, dos, tres
Cuatro, cinco, seis,
Siete, ocho, nueve, diez
Here's a little bit more
One, two, three, four
Now we are learning our numbers
Let's see just how much we can remember
If you wanna get better just sing along
Hey I'll be singing all day and every night
Hey you can sing along now it's alright
Hey it's not too hard if you give it a try
You can count on your hands
You can count on your feet
You can count it out loud
If you're ready let's go now
Un, deux, trios, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
That was French
Now Japanese
Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju
Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci
Here's a little bit more
One, two, three, four
Now we are learning our numbers
Let's see just how much we can remember
If you wanna get better just sing along
Hey I'll be singing all day and every night
Hey you can sing along now it's alright
Hey it's not too hard if you give it a try
You can count on your hands
You can count on your feet
You can count it out loud
If you're ready let's go now
Ek, do, tin, cār, pãc, chah, sāt, āá¹u00adh, nau, das
That was Hindi
Now we'll try it in Mandarin
YÄ«, ѐr, sān, sÃu00ad, wǔ, liǔ, qÄ«, bā, jiǔ, shÃu00ad
Let's sing in Polish
Jeden, dwa, trzy, cztery, pięć, szes
siedem, osiem, dziewięć, dziesięć
Now if you were in Germany you would sing it like this
Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fá¹»nf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn
Let's see just how much we can remember
If you wanna get better just sing along
One, two, three, four
Hey I'll be singing all day and every night
Hey you can sing along now it's alright
Hey it's not too hard if you give it a try
You can count on your hands
You can count on your feet
You can count it out
OK we're going to learn a little Russian
Один, два, три, четыре, пять, шесть, семь, восемь,
девять, десять
Just sing along
One, two, three, four
Hey I'll be singing all day and every night
Hey you can sing along now it's alright
Hey it's not too hard if you give it a try
You can count on your hands
You can count on your feet
You can count it out loud
If you're ready let's go now