Renato Russo lettera

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I wanted to tell you what
I have never been able to say
And I have kept it closed within myself
For too long now
But there is a love that I don't know
I can hide anymore because
Now she needs you too
I just wanted to tell you that
You are always my joy
That when you talk with her
It becomes crazy jealousy
For everything you give me
Even when you don't know it
This is what I wanted to say to you
How when you're not there
I always get a little lost
And then I realize that I don't know how to
I can have fun without you
Instead when you're with me
Even the gray around us
It colors with the life you give it
Com It's difficult
Saying all this to you
You never talk about love
You never talk about it with me
Maybe because
You're scared like me
Of an answer that
You still don't know what
I wanted to tell you what I
I never managed to say
And I kept it locked inside me
But there is a love that I don't know
More hide because
Now he needs you too.